Early on, we chose to lean INTO the human connection that is so important to managing home while we lean ON new technologies, team based work flows, and sophisticated systems that let us be more present, responsive and effective for our residents and our clients. Nest operates with an unwavering belief that good business is truly good business. We found this business model had a ready and enthusiastic audience. Over the last twelve years, our wingprint in the city has grown substantially while our dedication to the resident, client and community experience is more pronounced than ever.
In 2014, Nest founder and owner, Lisa Wise, realized she could quit her full time job and focus the other 100% of her attention on Nest, AND still pay the bills for her young family. It was a game changer. But only possible because the business model attracted an eclectic and bright team laser focused on service and a willingness to follow and her dream of owning a company that’s at once purpose-driven and viable. (plus, let’s be honest — this job is both hard AND fun and full of drama). We measured profit in the number of good jobs we created. So why not build on our ownership base and disrupt the industry further?...And so we did.